It's 2013 and they are back! This past Saturday September 7th, 2013, we spotted a single juvenile coyote in our back yard at around 8 AM. The coyote left before I could snap a picture of it. It seemed afflicted with mange. We'll keep our eye out in case it returns.
This summer, the area around Rye Brook New York has been visited by some coyotes. We have seen three young ones in our back yard. This page contains information and pictures of our sightings. Update: One of our neighbors reported to me that on Thursday July 29, 2010 at around 4 AM, he witnessed one of the adult coyotes in his backyard.
The city of Rye Brook has a page with some information and numbers to contact in case you see a Coyote.
Copyright and contact information is listed at the bottom of the page.
Here are some pictures from two of the Coyotes in our back yard in Rye Brook from May 25, 2010. There were three Coyotes, but by the time I got the camera ready, one of them had wandered away.
Here are some pictures from July 6, 2010 at around 7 AM. We also saw one of them the previous day (July 5, 2010 at around 11 AM), but we were not able to take any pictures. These pictures show only one of the coyotes, thought we were able to see two of them that day. You can see from the pictures how much they have grown since late May.
On July 25, 2010, a hot Saturday afternoon, I spotted one of the coyotes standing in the middle of the road in front of my house. I looked at it and he looked at me. When I tried to get closer to get a better picture, he ran into my neighbors backyard. I was able to take some pictures, but they are fuzzy and distant. I did not want to tresspass into my neighbors yard. Eventually the coyotes ran behind the house and out of sight.
This web page has been covered by some local new organizations:
Other articles and information about Coyotes in the area:
The entire contents of the website, including photos and text are Copyright © 2010-2013, Hugo M. Ayala, All rights reserved. For more information, please contact . If you wish to link any of the pictures, please contact me so that I can link your content directly from my website.